Aug 1, 2011

Fairies Like Never Before

         When I was smaller than I am now, my idol was Peter Pan. I loved the thought of never growing up and having a fairy as my best friend. I have recently gotten back into that whole phase, sadly, so I picked up the last Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr called Darkest Mercy. I read the first three about two or three years back and loved them. Then my sister gave me an autographed copy of the fourth book, which I haven’t picked up yet, as a present.It just wasn’t very appealing to me. I didn’t like the characters that were going to be in the fourth book, they were not my favorites. So I pretty much all but forgot about it. Then, while I was browsing casually in the teen section I came across the fifth book. I was super excited and I couldn’t wait a second more, I picked up the book and got hooked just like I did with the first three. Reading the fifth book before the fourth book did not hurt the plot of the story at all. I was too fascinated by the fact that faeries are all around the human world, hiding in shadows, graveyards, and even disguised as humans.
They aren’t your typical fairies.

    This is the ultimate conclusion to a thrilling series. It has romance, war, humor, and everything in between. This is my one of my favorite of the series and this is one of my favorite series. I recommend this to anyone willing to venture into an exciting and riveting world of fairies that has everyone begging for more. This is a new and refreshing look at the world of fairies.

I give this book 5 fairies out of 5

I give this series 5 stars out of 5